Short biography

Tenure-Track Professor Dr. Peer Nowack, Institute of Theoretical Informatics (ITI), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Peer Nowack holds the Chair for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Climate and Environmental Sciences since March 2023. His group works on a diverse range of scientific challenges in climate science and atmospheric chemistry. For this, he combines machine learning techniques, numerical Earth system models, and Earth observations (e.g., satellite data) in innovative ways.
Before taking up his position at KIT, Peer Nowack worked for almost 10 years in the UK. Most recently, he held a permanent position as Lecturer in Atmospheric Chemistry and Data Science at the University of East Anglia (UEA), which he took up in 2020 after leading a junior research group at Imperial College London. In 2016, Peer Nowack had completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge following his undergraduate studies in Interdisciplinary Sciences at ETH Zurich (Switzerland). During summer 2022, he was a guest researcher at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (USA).
Peer-reviewed publications
Link to Google Scholar.
Link to ORCID.
Selected publications:
- Nowack et al. Response of stratospheric water vapour to warming constrained by satellite observations. Nature Geoscience (2023).
- Ceppi and Nowack. Observational evidence that cloud feedback amplifies global warming. PNAS 118, e2026290118 (2021).
- Nowack et al. Causal networks for climate model evaluation and constrained projections. Nature Communications 11, 1415 (2020).
- Runge, Nowack et al. Detecting and quantifying causal associations in large nonlinear time series datasets. Science Advances 5, eaau4996 (2019).
- Nowack et al. Using machine learning to build temperature-based ozone parameterizations for climate sensitivity simulations. Environmental Research Letters 13, 104016 (2018).
- Nowack et al. On the role of ozone feedback in the ENSO amplitude response under global warming. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 3858-3866 (2017).
- Nowack et al. Stratospheric ozone changes under solar geoengineering: implications for UV exposure and air quality. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16, 4191-4203 (2016).
- Nowack et al. A large ozone-circulation feedback and its implications for global warming assessments. Nature Climate Change 5, 41-45 (2015).
Lectures and seminars
More information about Peer Nowack's teaching activities and the Chair for AI in Climate and Environmental Sciences can be found here.